NWF$503851$ - vertaling naar spaans
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NWF$503851$ - vertaling naar spaans

Mongolian NWF Status; Mongolia NWF Status; Mongolian NWFS; Mongolian Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone

federación nacional para la Fauna Silvestre, organización americana que trabaja para la protección de los animales silvestres y especies en peligro de extinción
National Wildlife Federation         
  • The National Wildlife Federation headquarters in Reston
NWF; Alaska Youth For Environmental Action; General Wildlife Federation; Nwf.org; Natl. Wildl. Fed.
La Federación Nacional de Fauna Silvestre


Mongolian Nuclear-Weapons-Free Status

Mongolia does not have nuclear weapons.

The initiative to become a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone was well received by Mongolia's neighbors, the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China (both nuclear weapons states), as well as by the world community at large, despite being somewhat unorthodox. Previously, NWFZs had been composed of a group of countries, although the possibility of single-state zones had been long recognized. United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3261 F of December 9, 1974, states that "obligations relating to the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones may be assumed not only by groups of states, including entire continents or large geographical regions, but also by small groups of States and even individual countries."

Mongolia's drive for international recognition yielded fruit in Resolution 53/77 D which was put it on the agenda for the next meeting and adopted by 27th meeting of the General Assembly (without a vote) on December 4, 1998, and said "The General Assembly ... Welcomes the declaration by Mongolia of its nuclear-weapon-free status".

On February 28, 2000, the Mongolian ambassador to the United Nations Jargalsaikhan Enkhsaikhan presented a letter [1] Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine outlining the Mongolian de-nuclearization law, which was then circulated as A/55/56 S/2000/160. At this stage, it appears that the international recognition of Mongolia's nuclear-weapons-free status is complete.

During two meetings held in February and in July 2006, particular attention was paid to Mongolia's economic and ecological vulnerabilities and security, and the implementation of General Assembly resolution 59/73.